Small picture of Hao in San Francisco
Picture of Ho Chi Minh city Picture of Hao and family

Hi! This is "HOW"

My name is Hao Chau. I am from Saigon, Vietnam. It is such a honor for me to study here in Canada (aka the "Great" White North).
I am currently studying Computer Engineering at Carleton University, and persuing to become a professional font-end developer.
I am a web application enthusiast. I am passionate about CSS, and having a lot of fun with it by trying different naming conventions, 3D-transformations, preprocessors, and helping friends out.
I am a cat person.

Hi! This is "HOW"

Welcom to my page. My name is Hao Chau. I am from Saigon, Vietnam. It is such a honor for me to study here in Canada (aka the "Great" White North). I am currently studying Computer Engineering at Carleton University, and persuing to become a professional font-end developer. Ideally, I would like to become a full stack developer in the future. I am passionate about CSS, and having a lot of fun with it by trying different naming conventions, 3D-transformations, preprocessors, and helping friends out.